You can order the software from the distributors listed below. Just send an email to get in contact and to ask any further question you may have.
GasTurb GmbH
Melatener Straße 70
52074 Aachen
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Concepts NREC
217 Billings Farm Road
White River Jct., VT 05001
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Xeca Turbo Technologies Co.,Ltd.
Room 704, Building #3
Wangjing Chengying Center
No.5 West Laiguangying Road
Chaoyang District, Beijing
China, 100012
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Program Packages
The software can be purchased in different packages containing specific software tools. The license options are shown in the lists further down.
License Options

Trial License
A free and fully functioning 14-day trial of GasTurb can be obtained from the download section. Demo versions of Smooth C and Smooth T are available as well.

Single User License
This license is computer based. A Single User License may be installed on one single computer (laptop or desktop). It is bound to the hardware of this specific PC. The default license term is three years.

Floating License
The Floating License is server based. The software can be installed on an arbitrary number of computers in a server-client environment. It can be used simultaneously in the amount of the number of purchased licenses (concurrent/floating use). The license management tool is bound to the hardware of a specific server PC. The default license term is three years.

Site License
The Site License is a Floating License with an extended user limit (default: 50) for use at a specific site or in a specific city. The default license term is three years.

Course License
This is a special license for schools, colleges and universities. The software may be made available for faculty members and students. It can be installed once on an unlimited number of PCs and will terminate automatically on the expiration date (default: after 90 days). This does not require a license server, thus making the course license an ideal solution for homework.

Student License
The Student License is a fully functional Single User License, however drastically discounted. It can only be purchased by students. The student status must be verified during the order process. Commercial use of the software is not allowed. The default license term is one year.
The software can be used until the license term expires. On expiration, it can be renewed for the same price. Upgrades are free for owners of time-limited licenses (except student license). License terms can be adapted upon request. Please ask for a customized quote.