GasTurb is a gas turbine performance calculation and optimization program. It simulates most of the gas turbine configurations in use for propulsion or for power generation.
GasTurb 14 may be used for:
- Specifying the overall engine performance design objective
- Specifying the component design data on the basis of the overall engine performance design objective
- Interpreting engine test results and diagnosing operational problems
- Developing and maintaining the overall gas turbine system model
- Providing control system designers with a simulation of engine behavior
- Identifying performance enhancement options for derivative engines
- Providing operators, airframe manufacturers and power station designers with mathematical models
- Assessing competitor gas turbines with respect to their suitability for specific applications.
- Providing material for teaching gas turbine performance
- Evaluating electric and hybrid propulsion
Gas Turb is able to solve almost any gas turbine performance simulation problem. See more ...

Smooth C and Smooth T
These programs can be used to quickly generate high-quality compressor / turbine maps from measured or published data. Their features include:
- Extraction of map data from literature
- Comparison of different maps
- Cross-plots to check whether the maps represent a reasonable description of the underlying physics
- Physics-based extrapolation of maps down to zero speed
- Preparation of map data for performance programs
Additionally we offer a separate map collection covering a wide-range of compressors and turbines.

GasTurb Details
The GasTurb Details program allows a number of basic calculations to be made using the same procedures as in GasTurb.
It is able to look at individual components of the engine, such as compressors, turbines, mixers and nozzles, for an in-depth analysis.
In addition, GasTurb Details illustrates parameters used in thermodynamics and aviation like gas properties, flight envelopes and combustion.
The program might be viewed as a “slide rule” specifically tailored to gas turbine problems. See more ...

GasTurb Engine Model Decks
Some tasks require evaluating GasTurb engine models automatically, for example, to create engine decks, for test data analysis or for integration into an aircraft performance simulation.
GasTurb Program Libraries (DLLs) can be used to provide GasTurb functionality to other Windows Programs. See more ...